Part D 140 Concession St, Ingersoll, On Ingersoll

Contact us for pricing
Property type: Building Lot


Opportunity to purchase two building lots in Ingersoll. Located on a residential street in the south end of town convenient to Royal Roads P.S, hospital, Victoria Park Community Centre, Parks, Walking Trails, downtown, shops and restaurants, plus easy 401 access. This lot (named Part D) has 50′ frontage and is irregular shaped: 50′ x 113.33 x 38.86 x 24.16 x 11.13 x 89.16. Sanitary sewers will be at the cost of the buyer. Any offers must be conditional upon severance. Seller wishes to sell both lots (Part D & E) to the same buyer. (62973471)

Contact the Agent

Valarie Mounsteven

Sales Representative